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Shop signs

Banners, 1000x500 mm, Eyelets

82.10 AUD

Price incl. GST

Satisfied customer guarantee
High quality

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1000 mm


500 mm


0.47 mm

Fixing method:


Product description

Presenting a shop or business by means of a shop sign is important – in fact, virtually a must. On the other hand, the target group will determine whether the sign needs to be large and eye-catching or if a simple shop sign on the door giving the name is enough.

When conveying a message, it is just as much about what you say as how you say it. This also applies to a shop sign, as the text is as important as the colour and shape in order to convey a message. There are, therefore, primarily three important things to consider when designing shop signs.

Designing a shop sign – Three tips

Reflect the business 

The signs placed outside the shop, for instance, on the building façade, should make the nature of the shop clear from the offset. If it’s an antiques shop, perhaps ornate letters in an older style would fit nicely on a black metal sign. However, if the shop has a marine theme, maybe rope and symbols of the sea will capture the feeling of the shop. 

Be clear from afar 

Particularly for large shop signs that indicate the shop name, a clear sign that is visible from afar is important. It helps customers find their way to the shop, but above all, it makes it easier for customers to discover the shop and makes them curious to find out what it offers. 

Colours and shapes

The “shop signs” category also includes signs within the shop. These include signs to highlight specific categories or departments. Although these should also match the overall character of the shop, it is important to design signs according to the message they are intended to convey. SALE signs, for instance, are often red to draw attention and include extra clear text.

Think about what message your shop sign aims to convey – in terms of text, colour and shape.

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